You experience that the level of competition has increased, as has the speed of change. It has made it even more important for you to know whether you are offering your customers the right value in the right way? You may also feel the need to incorporate the latest technological change, meet customer expectations accelerated by trends in the B2C market and serve the increasing demand for products and services in ‘my size’, not ‘one size fits all’. And all this may be creating new customer segments that you have not yet been able to servce. I can help
• Build an updated picture of your customers and their needs
• Identify ideas for new or updated value propositions to meet those needs
• Review your existing business model and its ability to deliver on the updated value propositions
Your organization will need to work in new ways in order to be able to compete. In addition, the organization of the future will be data-driven. What does that mean for your organization, its capability needs and governance – and how to you work with these things?
You need to build the best plan to get you from where you are today to where you need to be in the future that will put you in position to win the battle for the customer.
I can help
- Build a clear picture of your current position as well as the future you will aim for, owned by all key stakeholders
- Build a prioritized plan for how to get there
- Establish a plan for involving and engaging stakeholders
- Identify the team needed to deliver the transformation, ideally a mix of internal and external resources
A project is usually a significant investment – and most often based on a business case approved by the top management or even the board of directors.
Systematic management of the program or the project will be required to deliver the results promised in the business case within budget and within the time allocated to the project.
Based on my experience from working with some of the leading firms and organization in the world, I can help deliver
- Overall design of the program/the project
- Identification of individual work streams and related resource needs and dependencies
- Choice of best approach (agile, waterfall)
- Hands-on operational management, follow-ip and risk management – all the way to hand-over
7 out of 10 projects fail in delivering the expected results. Most of the time this is not due to a lack of planning. It is probably due to a lack of involvement and engagement of the organization, its customers and other stakeholders. Based on my work in complex, cross-border projects I can help deliver • The right choice of change strategy and approach • The idenfication of key stakeholders and their concerns regarding the project • A plan for involvement and engage- ment, including communications plans, measurement of stakeholder sentiment, training plans, etc. • On-going risk identification and mitigation